We are blessed that Revd Claire Simpson has joined The Church of the Living Stream as our minister. Asked to introduce herself, Claire said;
“I have been a Methodist minister for 15 years and prior to this I was a secondary school teacher of english and drama. I was born and brought up in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, so I am a ‘Yorkshire lass’ who still speaks with a bit of a blunt accent at times (though hopefully not blunt words). I am married to John, who works in the NHS, and we have two young adult sons who are beginning University courses this autumn. I also have a stepson who is married with two children and they live in Doncaster.
My time in the ministry has brought us down to the south of England. Firstly, we were based in Lincolnshire and then for the last ten years we have been in Fareham on the south coast between Portsmouth and Southampton. Now we find ourselves living on the outskirts of the town centre of Basingstoke and I am trying to get used to the roads and many roundabouts that are on offer!
Over the next few months, I am excited to get to know all those involved in the Church of the Living Stream, both those who launched it and those who join us online from more distant locations. When not actively engaging in ministry I love to cook and bake; exercise and watch all kinds of sports; read fiction and poetry; oh, and I like chocolate – especially the milk and white varieties but not the darker kind that has health benefits!
With love, Claire”