life springing forth from death is offered to us and the world.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for rising from the dead.
Christ is risen, good triumphing over evil,
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for rising from the dead.
Risen Christ, may signs of your presence be found among us and in our own lives.
Be present with us in ways that go deeply into our own lives, O God.
Living Lord Jesus, as we celebrate your resurrection, we confess that we do not always live as your Easter people.
Doubt and uncertainty threaten to overwhelm us.
The challenges of life weigh us down.
Forgive us, reveal your truth to us.
God loves us and holds us in love.
We receive new life in Christ! Thanks be to God!
Words will never be enough to speak the truth of our Easter joy.
Just as creation springs up in joy, may we feel the approaching warmth of summer.
May the energy of the risen Christ fill us with strength on our journeys of faith,
and may the risen power of Jesus lift up the life of the world.